(Spiral) Q & A – Peter Applebaum

What was your first experience with Spiral Q? I was introduced to the Q by a colleague at Arcadia University. I was teaching a course on “Invisibility” and she was teaching a course on “Stand-up Comedy.” Classes could share travel budgets if they combined trips with...
(Spiral) Q & A — Claris Park

(Spiral) Q & A — Claris Park

We sat down this month with Spiral Q apprentice Claris Park to ask some “q”uestions and get some answers. Claris is a junior at the University of Pennsylvania studying theater arts, and began her apprenticeship with the Q in October 2014. On campus, Claris...

(Spiral) Q & A – Katie Barnett

Please join us in a warm welcome to Spiral Q’s new Development Director, Katie Barnett! We sat down with Katie for this month’s (Spiral) Q & A. With over a decade of experience in organizing for social justice, supporting struggles for women and girls’...
(Spiral) Q & A – Beth Patel

(Spiral) Q & A – Beth Patel

Spiral Q is happy to welcome our newest board member, Beth Patel. Already a part of the Spiral Q community through the Q’s partnership with Philadelphia Student Union where Beth is the Youth Media Organizer,  she is now officially part of the Q...