Feature a puppet in your office or other open space, and help share their story with the world.

At Spiral Q, each puppet has a story. Take Esther. Before she was a foster puppet, Esther marched loud and proud in the first ever Philly Dyke March. (She loves marching in parades and has featured in many parades since!) Now, she is returning home from a two month foster stay at Painted Bride Arts Center and is already looking for her marching shoes.

These limited engagements help these puppets continue to make a difference while bringing color and life to your world. (And they’re dying for a chance to stretch their legs).

We house puppets and artwork of all shapes and sizes, both freestanding and hang-able. With thousands of pieces of artwork in our collection dating back nearly two decades, there is guaranteed to be a puppet perfect for your space and your organization.

Contact Tracy at community(at)spiralq.org and find out which puppet is right for you.

Esther on loan

Esther enjoying her time in the spotlight at Painted Bride Arts Center.