
“I saw kids use art to cry out against the school budget cuts.”

Just a few short months ago, Philadelphia was astounded by the chants of its youth as they rallied for equity in education.

Children as young as 6 years old marched alongside cardboard warriors they had crafted with their own hands and expressed the hopes that Spiral Q helped them envision for their own futures.

They showed Philadelphia that children from its urban communities have conviction, confidence, and courage. They can be strong advocates for themselves and their communities, showing city council members that they deserve better. When others believe in them, they believe in themselves.

Parents called to thank Spiral Q for believing in their children and helping them animate their own beliefs.

“I’ve never seen my children be so independent, so proud and articulate. They were clearly empowered to speak up for their schools and to represent their community.”

This is just one inspiring example of Spiral Q’s impact, which is deep, broad, long-lasting and extraordinary – and you’re an important part of it. There is no Q without you…

Real change is possible when we come together to support what we believe in.pose_with_puppetThe Q believes:

  • Our public school students deserve art.
  • Our communities need changemakers who know how to support them as they give voice to their convictions.
  • Our transformational approach can help others create the same rippling change in their own cities.
If you believe these things to be true, and I think you do, please contribute today.
Your contribution will help catalyze change for
more than 3,500 people, half of them children.

Your contribution will directly support:

  • Spiral Q’s public school partnership programs by placing a team of artists and organizers in residence in our neighborhood school. Spiral Q provides intensive arts instruction for every student at all grade levels, works closely with faculty, staff and families to invigorate the school climate, and strengthens the fabric of the school and neighborhood communities through the production of festival and parade.womensworldcourt

  • Amplifying students’ visions and voices. Spiral Q helps youth set the stage for their futures through arts and advocacy projects, printmaking, shadow puppetry, and multimedia theater during critical after school hours at schools, recreation centers, and public housing sites throughout the city.
  • Spiral Q performing once again this spring with a leader in the civil rights movement, Singing City, founded as an integrated choir in 1948 on the belief that differences between races, religions, and cultures could be bridged by ordinary people coming together in shared activities.
  • Intensive hands-on leadership training for 20 emerging community arts changemakers in high schools and colleges throughout the Philadelphia area.phood_parade13

  • Peoplehood, Philadelphia’s most beloved pageant, which parades the joy of justice through West Philadelphia and University City each fall.
  • Our Arts Emergency Response System, with space, supplies and sass so communities can rally for stronger schools, safer streets, environmental advocacy, and good jobs for everyone. No one else funds this work. The resource is only available when people like you show their support.
With joy and justice,Tracy Broyles
Executive Director